Friday, August 8, 2008



my fav fruit...hai MISS P-isang....hak3...
aip2 sume kengkawan..hehe...tetibe lak rase gatal tgn nk taip2 neh...hehe..
pisang oOo pisang...ha sbnrnye aq nk kongsi info dgn korang pasal pisang..hehe..
ade la jgak aq wat research sket2...huhu..demi `kawan`..hak3...(jgn mare nnt kene jual yep)

Info pasal P.I.S.A.N.G !!! BANANA!!!!hik3....

1-Banana is the common name for a fruit and also the herbaceous plants of the genus Musa which produce the commonly eaten fruit.

2-They are native to the tropical region of Southeast Asia and Australia.

3-Banana plants are of the family Musaceae.

4-Bananas are a valuable source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium.

Ha aq amek info yg penting2 je utk tmbah ilmu pengetahuan kite sume...

At least,we know something about BANANA...hehe...
Cri ilmu biar la smpi kt midvalley k..hak3...
Aq ade gak sdiakan posing menarik oleh Miss silap2..hehe..
Pose mnarik buah pisang lar...hehe...

oklah...jgn lupe nntikan KEHIDUPAN 2 utk mgu nie ok..

bubye olz....

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